Wednesday, July 18, 2012

CONvergence 2012

Here we go! Finally, an update!

CONvergence 2012 was a great year! I feel as though my inner (and outer) geek wants more, more, MORE!

As far as hallway cosplay, I went simple, and very glad I did, as I am expecting a baby come December.  Rose Tyler? I think so! *picture pending...* The jacket actually hid my baby bump quite a bit.

Otherwise, we learned that Belly Dancing Disney Princesses become very popular! The one little girl who was still awake at 10:00pm once the Masquerade let out couldn't pull herself away from Ariel.

We actually won an award for our hard work (and rockin' outfits!) and I couldn't be happier! Workmanship Honorable Mention! As a professional costumer, getting recognized for workmanship feels wonderful, and we were really in it just to have a good time! (I know everyone says that, but after not winning for a couple of years, you really have to make it about the fun and not about the glory :))

The hand-beaded details on each dance outfit are different and made for that specific character (everyone did their own beading- so proud!):
 Aurora- Spindle Designs
Cinderella- Pumpkin Leaves
Jasmine (Me)- Designs from the Magic Carpet
Ariel- Fishy Designs
Rapunzel- Rapunzel's Wall Art Designs
Belle- Rose Design

Costume Credits:
Inspired by Disney (of course)
Designed by Lea R
Costuming Lead- Ally G (me)
Costumes made by all of us- Ally, Lea, Sarah (Moondoggy), Mariel, Lauren and Kat

Want to watch our performance? Go Here! The Arabian Nights of CONvergence 2012 Masquerade!

Next year, I am planning baby costumes and no masquerade plans are in my future. But I went out with the best group ever and we rocked the con!

I shall leave you with Jasmine and her (my) baby bump:

*Top Right Photo from the City Pages CONvergence Article (where you can see my wig!)
**Top Left and Bottom photos are by Moments Shared Photography - The fantastic photographers at CONvergence 2012 (and previous years).

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cleavage? Yes or No?

(St. Pucchi Sposa- Style Z269)

I would advise any woman who is leaning towards heavy cleavage in her wedding gown of going towards a more modest approach.  I believe your wedding day is meant to be fun and beautiful, with family and friends to join in the celebration.  You can feel sexy while still keeping a modest chest, and save the revealing outfits for the wedding night.

Say you've found a wedding dress you love, but the cleavage is more than you would like.  You can always have the dress altered to fit your ideal, or you can find something similar that is a bit higher necked.  Building out a V-Neck so it hides cleavage is a task most tailors and seamstresses can take on with no problem, it's likely you'll need the dress altered anyway, for fit and height.

I say "No" to too much cleavage, how about you?

(Sottero and Midgley- Style Chantilly = A more modest neckline, in similar style)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Disney Dazzle

(Style 210- Ariel)

Okay, so I knew that Disney themed wedding gowns existed, but until just the other day, I had never taken a look that them (and rightly so, as they are fairly pricey, and making my own was much cheaper). I am amazed at these beautiful dresses. One for every princess.

These dresses have wonderful detail to them, like the waves rolling down the side of the Ariel dress above.  Each one is truly unique to each princess, without being a copy of the animated gown the character wears in the film.  They dresses are all contemporary design, no puffy sleeves will be found on these gems.

The one complaint that I would have about these dresses is that they do not vary in their necklines.  Most of them are strapless, which is quite popular, and a couple have a shoulder detail or two, but they are lacking in a V-Neck option, or long, graceful sleeves.

Of course, these dresses could always be altered to one's liking.

Take a look, and indulge in a childhood's dream of a Disney Wedding.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Hunger Games

Not only was the movie fantastic in almost every aspect, but the costumes were positively drool worthy.  I could talk for a long time about how I love all of the outfits in this film, however, for this post I will pick my favorites and give my thoughts.

Judianna Makovsky designed the costumes, and incidentally also did the costumes for the first Harry Potter film (which I preferred rather than the later films- costume wise). Wow.. what could have been if they had kept her on...


I love the details on this simple dress.  This is a very nice outfit in District 12, dull in comparison to Effie's flamboyant color.  The gathering on the shoulders of this dress make it, to me, irresistible.

The fire scene was great! I had already guessed that the flames would be CG, but the jumpsuits that both Katniss and Peeta are wearing are stunning in themselves.  The corset waist on Katniss was just the right call, her waist and hips showed off a very flattering frame.

This costume, though not very elaborate and one I could not find a good picture of, was probably my favorite in the movie.  It was a billowy, yellow top with black (?) pants.  Katniss wore this the night before going into the arena.  The shirt gives off a sad sort of warmth, but very pretty. It is an outfit I would love to have for myself.


What can I say? Everything Effie wore was elaborate, colorful and flawless.  Her makeup was very intricate and I loved every bit of it.  Not only was she noticeable in every scene, Effie's style has inspired couture lines. (Check out Capitol Couture).  Also, if you love Effie's and the Capitol's shoe style, check out This Site which can help you find some of your very own.

I can't wait to see this movie again.  Makovsky did fabulous work in bringing Collins' vision to the big screen in every thread that was woven.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

New Projects for 2012!

I feel as though I have been in a minor costume slump. I have not been inspired to make too many new things for myself, which is odd because I usually have 4 new costumes each year for CONvergence. However, this year I am only do two new and one of them is casual wear mainly bought from thrifting.

Now, my big project this spring/summer will actually be making a costume for my husband.  We have recently gotten caught up on Doctor Who (the reboot, anyway) and will be cosplaying as the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler.  Not much to do with Rose, but the Doctor's coat is an interesting challenge for me.  I have never tailored before and am excited to try my hand at it.  I found a great reference blog, full of images and descriptions of the long coat David Tennant wears in the series.

I am hoping to post my progress here, some of it may be in video form, as I work away on this coat.