Sunday, July 21, 2013

So You Wanna Cosplay: Issue 1 - Photo Dump CONv 2013

It's been a year since I've updated, and boy have I been busy. Busy with life and busy with costumes. I've decided to take a new leap with this blog and try to update more regularly. Starting with a new series: "So you wanna cosplay?" hopefully with more pictures and shorter write-ups.

CONvergence 2013 kept me plenty busy with costume prep!

Daenerys and her dragon!
Funky pattern pieces and playing with appliques.

Lucy Westenra
Dyeing trim, boning, flowy materials.

Farscape Peacekeeper
I need an industrial sewing machine...

Amalthea from the Last Unicorn
Commercial patterns suck, this dress eventually turned out. Plus, I am going to avoid polyester satin as much as possible from now on.

Cutesy Dalek and her Doctors
Too cute! TOO cute! Plus, many many covered bobbles.

There, my dump of cosplays I created for CONvergence 2013. My successes and fails and more goals I must achieve for the future.

On the table ideas for next year: Massive Legend of the Seeker cosplay, Data from Star Trek, Scully, Mulder and Alien from X Files, and another Daenerys cosplay.