Next year, the plan is the masquerade scene from the Labyrinth. However, someone mentioned the idea of belly dancing disney princess' and I LOVE this idea. Anyone interested in that? Maybe next year might be too soon, being that we did regular disney princess' in 2009 for the masq. But I have more ideas for the latter skit.
For those of you wanting me to make you costumes, let me know asap, cause I may get pretty busy in the next year!
Anyways, now that CONvergence is finished for the year, I should probably get to work on my WEDDING DRESS! I finished the pattern this evening, took apart the mock up and laid it out to get an idea of how much fabric I need for the skirt, lining and flat lining of the dress. Two yards more than I thought for each! Now I need a total of 14 yards! Let's hope I can find some decent and reasonably priced ivory silk at SR Harris!
I am in love with my dress and I am really excited (and nervous..) to start working on it.
Now for some awesome news! I have been offered a stitcher job at the Opera for the season! I am sooooo happy! I get to start work there in August, right after I finish my current build for the Chanhassen!
I'm a little sad that I may not be working on Jesus Christ Superstar at the Chan in the winter, but a steady job will be so nice! And I'll probably get to go back the Chan next summer when the Opera is in their off season (For HAIRSPRAY! So cool!)
I love my job :)