Sunday, February 12, 2012

New Projects for 2012!

I feel as though I have been in a minor costume slump. I have not been inspired to make too many new things for myself, which is odd because I usually have 4 new costumes each year for CONvergence. However, this year I am only do two new and one of them is casual wear mainly bought from thrifting.

Now, my big project this spring/summer will actually be making a costume for my husband.  We have recently gotten caught up on Doctor Who (the reboot, anyway) and will be cosplaying as the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler.  Not much to do with Rose, but the Doctor's coat is an interesting challenge for me.  I have never tailored before and am excited to try my hand at it.  I found a great reference blog, full of images and descriptions of the long coat David Tennant wears in the series.

I am hoping to post my progress here, some of it may be in video form, as I work away on this coat.